NEW SOUTH WALES DEFENCE 25 M Small Arms Firing Range, RAAF Base, Williamstown (Proposed)Principal: SpotlessScope: General earthworks, landscaping, fencing, signage, construction of stop butt incorporating tilt up slabs, piers, tie beams, timber protective surfaces, sand bullet catching material, conveyor belt impact surface, firing point and ammunition distribution shelters including concrete slabs, steelworks and metal roofed structures, roadworks, building construction, modifications to existing structure, associated electrical, communication and hydraulic servicesStatus: Invitation to tender announced December 2008, submissions close December 18, 2008, completion June 2009Contractors: NAValue: NA(New project: Spotless announcement of invitation to tender, December 2008)QUEENSLAND DEFENCEEnhanced Land Force, Stage 1 (Proposed)Principal: DefenceScope: Construct accommodation and training facilities, site infrastructure upgrades at Kapooka, Singleton, Holsworthy and Puckapunyal, construct joint facilities at RAAF bases Amberley, Edinburgh and RichmondStatus: Public hearing on proposal in Townsville January 22, 2009; submissions close January 12, 2009Purpose: Support relocation of 3rd Battalion of Royal Australian Regiment from Sydney to TownsvilleContractors: NAValue: $793 million(New project: Defence announcement of proposal, December 2008)NORTHERN TERRITORYBUILDINGRosebery Schools, Palmerston (Current)Principal: EducationScope: Construct primary school for 600 students, middle school for 850 studentsStatus: Call for tenders to design and construct primary and middle schools, December 2008, headworks construction commenced August 2008, construction commencing 2009, completion 2011Purpose: Improve Palmerston learning environmentsContractors: BMD Constructions (headworks)Value: $48.8 million(Update: NT government call for tenders, December 2008)QUEENSLAND DEFENCERAAF Base Amberley Redevelopment Stage 3, Package 6 Passive Defence Augmentation and Demolitions (Proposed)Principal: DefenceScope: Construct additional perimeter fencing and security, thee new gate houses, roads, car parking, install electronic security systems hardware, demolish buildings, demolition and remediation of existing Fuel Farm 1Status: Call for expressions of interest, December 2008, registrations close January 22, 2009, construction commencing early-mid 2009, completion early 2010Contractors: NAValue: $26-29 million (excluding GST)(New project: Defence announcement of project, December 2008)QUEENSLAND ROADSWallace Creek Bridge and Roadworks, Bundaberg (Proposed)Principal: Port of BrisbaneScope: Construct five-span concrete bridge to traverse Wallace Creek approximately 100m upstream from its junction within Burnett River, includes extension of existing road network to form approaches to bridge, western approach via new road, eastern approach via realignment and extension of Harbour EsplanadeStatus: Port of Brisbane call for expressions of interest December 2008, submissions close December 17, 2008Contractors: NAValue: NA(New project: Port of Brisbane call for expressions of interest, December 2008)VICTORIAURBAN DEVELOPMENTMelbourne Wholesale Market Relocation, Epping (Proposed)Principal: AgricultureScope: Wholesale market on 133ha siteStatus: Call for expressions of interest closes December 9, 2008, construction commencing mid to late 2009Purpose: Relocate market from Footscray Road to Epping to deliver benefits through improved facilities and logistical arrangements for both growers and retailersContractors: NAValue: $300 million(New project: State government call for expressions of interest, December 2008)WESTERN AUSTRALIA ENERGY CWLH Field Redevelopment, 135km northwest of KarrathaPrincipal: Woodside Energy (33.33%); BHP Billiton Petroleum (North West Shelf) (16.67%); BP Developments Australia (16.67%); Chevron Australia (16.67%); Japan Australia LNG (MIMI) (16.67%)Scope: Purchase and convert Okha floating, storage and off-loading facility into floating, production, storage and off-loading facility to replace Cossack Pioneer in 2010, replace associated subsea infrastructureStatus: Final investment decision to redevelop project, December 2008Purpose: Ensure Cossack, Wanaea, Lambert Hermes (CWLH) field, which has produced 395 million barrels of oil since production commenced in 1995, continues safe and reliable production beyond 2020Contractors: Single Buoy Moorings (Cossack Pioneer FPSO)Value: $1.8 billion ($600 million Woodside share)(Update: Woodside announcement of project redevelopment, December 2008)WESTERN AUSTRALIARESOURCESNarngulu Processing Plant, GeraldtonPrincipal: IlukaScope: Mineral separation plant, zircon finishing plant, mobile Kelsey Jig plant, synthetic rutile plant with two reducing kilns, port operations, storage facilitiesStatus: Upgrade plant to process 600,000tpa heavy mineral concentratePurpose: Extend life of Narngulu plant by 10 years by processing mineral sands from Iluka’s Jacinth-Ambrosia mine, South Australia as quantities of heavy mineral concentrate from Eneabba diminishContractors: NAValue: $60 million (upgrade)(New project: State government announcement of approval of project, December 2008)WESTERN AUSTRALIAPORTSAustralian Marine Complex Infrastructure Upgrade (Current)Principal: Planning and InfrastructureScope: Transfer and lay-by wharf, 99m by 53m floating dock, self-propelled modular transporters system Status: Earthworks and civil works contract for Stages 4 and 5 AMC Support Industry Precinct and contract for construction of subsea cluster awarded to Wormall Civil, December 2008, completion mid-2009Purpose: Enhance WA’s ability to bid for major maintenance and construction projects across marine, defence and resource sectorsContractors: John Holland (wharf extension, $17 million), Georgiou Group (transfer and lay-by wharf, $15 million), Wormall Civil (earthworks, civil works, subsea cluster)Value: $174 million(Update: LandCorp announcement of award of contracts, December 2008)