NEW SOUTH WALESRAILCORPMain Train contract to provide heavy-maintenance services on Sydney’s passenger-rail fleet includes major upgrades, material purchasing and repair projects: United Group Contract price: $405 millionStarting date: February 2009Completion date: June 2011(Extension of existing contract)NEW SOUTH WALESENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGEHeritage restoration track works on Grand Canyon Track-Neates Glen Section: ESD Landscape ContractorsContract price: $236,117Starting date: February 2009Completion date: November 2009NEW SOUTH WALESENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGEHeritage restoration track works on the Grand Canyon Track-Neates Glen Section: Landlign Environmental ContractingContract price: $236,117Starting date: February 2009Completion date: November 2009NEW SOUTH WALESENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGEHeritage restoration track works on the Grand Canyon Track-Neates Glen Section: Civil ConstructionsContract price: $236,117Starting date: February 2009Completion date: November 2009NORTHERN TERRITORYPLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTUREStage 1 alterations and additions to Alice Springs Correctional Centre: Patrick HomesContract price: $3,529,645Starting date: February 2009QUEENSLANDTHIESS-JOHN HOLLANDMechanical, electrical and civil works relating to tunnel fit-out at Airport Link project, includes include installation of systems for ventilation, smoke extraction, traffic control, fire detection, power reticulation, lighting, radio re-broadcast, drainage, incident detection and security, Brisbane: UGL Infrastructure – Thiess John Holland AllianceContract price: $620 millionStarting date: February 2009(Thiess-John Holland is part of the BrisConnections Consortium Public Private Partnership delivering Brisbane’s Airport Link project)QUEENSLANDDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSConstruct new Mareeba Police Station and watchhouse:Matrix Projects (Qld)Contract price: $5,877,794.37Starting date: February 2009Completion date: February 2010TASMANIACENTRAL COAST COUNCILConstruct multi-use sport and recreation facilities including community-club facilities, 1000 tiered seats, shared paths, motor-home rest area, Ulverstone Showgrounds: Mathews ConstructionsContract price: NAStarting date: February 2009Completion date: October 2009TASMANIAEDUCATIONRefurbishment of a section of classroom area to create teacher-learning facility, staff accommodation and meeting rooms: CDC Development (Tas)Contract price: $392,847Starting date: February 2009TASMANIAEDUCATIONRedevelopment of administration area, construct new reception facilities at Ulverstone High School: Mead ConContract price: $127,469Starting date: February 2009VICTORIAVICROADSInstallation of traffic signals, intersection upgrade and associated roadworks at the intersection of Springvale Road and Old Warrandyte Road, Donvale: BMD ConstructionsContract price: $2,437,237Starting date: February 2009VICTORIAVICROADSSupply and installation of safety barriers and shoulder sealing on Calder Freeway between Calder Park Drive and Bulla-Diggers Rest Road: BMD ConstructionsContract price: $2,404,748Starting date: February 2009VICTORIAVICROADSRoad safety improvements including installation of steel-beam guard fence and wire-rope safety barrier and other ancillary works on the Western Highway between Trawalla and Langi Ghiran: Global ContractingContract price: $1,164,764.97Starting date: February 2009VICTORIAVICROADSSupply and installation of traffic signals and channelisation works along Burnley Street-Bridge Road to north of Highett Street: Healey ExcavationsContract price: $770,612.31Starting date: February 2009VICTORIAVICROADSSupply and installation of traffic signals and associated roadworks at Nepean Highway/Oakbank Road intersection in Mornington: Healey ExcavationsContract price: $459,190.61Starting date: February 2009VICTORIAHOUSINGStreetscape works Morwell area: FMSAContract price: $212,420Starting date: January 2009Completion date: June 2009VICTORIAVICTORIA POLICEEarly site works in preparation for construction of new Melbourne North Police Station: McCorkell ConstructionsContract price: $164,252Starting date: January 2009Completion date: August 2009WESTERN AUSTRALIAWATERNorth Gnangara surface casing installation: MD & DM Waterboring ContractorsContract price: $300,000 (estimated)Starting date: February 2009Completion date: February 2010