AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORYLAND DEVELOPMENT AGENCYFyshwick, Block 78 and 79 Section 29 site servicing, Canberra: Kenoss ContractorsContract price: $269,776.10Starting date: March 2009Completion date: May 2009NEW SOUTH WALESROADS AND TRAFFIC AUTHORITYGuardrail upgrades, Griffith: Mcintosh FencingContract price: $181,492Starting date: February 2009Completion date: July 2009NORTHERN TERRITORYEDUCATIONConstruct new double, multi-purpose classroom block, major upgrade of adjacent existing northern classroom block to provide larger, more flexible learning areas, covered open learning space integrated with new and upgraded teaching facilities at Ross Park Primary School, Alice Springs: As BuildContract price: NA (project value $2 million)Starting date: March 2009NORTHERN TERRITORYPLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTUREUpgrade various sections between 30km and 128km on Tjukaruru Road, Alice Springs region: Buckleys Earthworks & PavingContract price: $1,235,703Starting date: March 2009NORTHERN TERRITORYPLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURESecurity fencing at Bradshaw Primary School, Alice Springs: Ross EngineeringContract price: $152,615.89Starting date: March 2009VICTORIAVICROADSSupply and installation of safety barriers and associated civil works: BMD ConstructionsContract price: $2,492,724Starting date: March 2009VICTORIAVICROADSPavement rehabilitation and associated works between 205.57km and 206.85km on Glenelg Highway, Lake Bolac: Bitu-Mill (Vic)Contract price: $466,970Starting date: March 2009VICTORIAVICROADSSupply and delivery of in-pavement wireless vehicle detection (sensys), access points, repeater points and all other associated accessories: Valiant-Mann NomineesContract price: $457,150Starting date: March 2009VICTORIAVICROADSSupply and delivery of Class 2 Size 20 FCR wetmix and Class 1 Size 20 FCR wetmix: Mountain View QuarriesContract price: $220,132.70Starting date: March 2009VICTORIAVICTORIA POLICEConstruction of the sewer main and pump station for the new Swan Hill Police Station: Bundalaguah EngineeringContract price: $407,048Starting date: March 2009Completion date: July 2009