Every Tuesday and Friday, CIN’sIndustry Report brings you up to date with major earthmoving, construction and supply contracts in civil engineering and mining awarded around the country.AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORYEDUCATION AND TRAININGGungahlin College early works package, Canberra: Kenoss ContractorsContract price: $2,337,416.05Starting date: April 2009Completion date: September 2010AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORYTERRITORY AND MUNICIPAL SERVICESStormwater upgrade Package A3, Canberra: Simeonov Civil Engineering (ACT)Contract price: $743,835.70Starting date: April 2009Completion date: June 2010AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORYTERRITORY AND MUNICIPAL SERVICESConstruct Bushfire Memorial carpark cycleway, Canberra: Huon Management ServicesContract price: $766,273Starting date: April 2009Completion date: January 2010NEW SOUTH WALESROADS AND TRAFFIC AUTHORITYHoxton Park road widening – Banks Road to Cowpasture Road: Cut & FillContract price: $35,633,178Starting date: April 2009Completion date: Early 2010NEW SOUTH WALESROADS AND TRAFFIC AUTHORITYDesign and construct 7km dual carriageway to the west of Tarcutta: Alliance Team: (Leighton Contractors, Maunsell Australia, SMEC Australia, Coffey Geotechnics)Contract price: NAStarting date: Later in 2009Completion date: 2011NEW SOUTH WALESROADS AND TRAFFIC AUTHORITYDesign and construct 9km bypass to the west of Woomargama village: Alliance Team: (Abigroup, Sinclair Knight Metz)Contract price: NAStarting date: Later in 2009Completion date: 2011NEW SOUTH WALESROADS AND TRAFFIC AUTHORITYScaffolding, containment and ducting for Darling Harbour viaduct repainting works, Stage 2: Instant Access AustraliaContract price: $1,756,555Starting date: February 2009Completion date: November 2009NEW SOUTH WALESROADS AND TRAFFIC AUTHORITYSapphire to Woolgoolga upgrade – design for utility relocations for Stage 1 Sapphire to Bucca Road: Coffs Harbour City CouncilContract price: $180,180Starting date: February 2009Completion date: July 2009NEW SOUTH WALESDEFENCE MATERIEL ORGANISATIONSupply of aviation fuels to RAAF Base Edinburgh: BP AirContract price: $278,813.64Starting date: March 2009Completion date: February 2010NORTHERN TERRITORYPLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTUREReseal of various roads, Darwin and Katherine regions: Asphalt Company AustraliaContract price: $1,847,011.64Starting date: April 2009NORTHERN TERRITORYPLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTUREResealing 991.42-1005.16km and 1167.20-1179.38km, Stuart Highway, Tennant Creek region: Downer EDI WorksContract price: $1,199,682.13Starting date: April 2009NORTHERN TERRITORYPLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTUREShoulder rehabilitation and drainage upgrade at 120-161km, Stuart Highway, Darwin: Ostojic GroupContract price: $662,790.80Starting date: April 2009NORTHERN TERRITORYPLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTUREShoulder rehabilitation and drainage upgrade at 161-198km, Stuart Highway, Darwin Region: H & K EarthmovingContract price: $574,189.10Starting date: April 2009NORTHERN TERRITORYPLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURESupply and install path lighting system at Casuarina Coastal Reserve, Darwin: Northern Power ServicesContract price: $144,141Starting date: April 2009NORTHERN TERRITORYPOWER AND WATERSupply new apprentices (trades apprentices and trainees) under a group training arrangement, All Centres: Top End Group TrainingContract price: $9,793,054Starting date: April 2009Completion date: 36 monthsSOUTH AUSTRALIAHEALTHTransition works to move services on campus so construction on new hospital and new mental health facilities can begin, includes refit and refurbishment of existing buildings, mechanical, electrical and fire service upgrades, improved signage at Glenside Hospital, Adelaide: ISISContract price: NAStarting date: April 2009VICTORIAVICROADSIntersection improvements on Boolarra-Churchill Road at Boolarra Road and Morwell River Road, Boolarra: Bitu-Mill (Vic)Contract price: $509,789Starting date: April 2009VICTORIAVICROADSIntersection improvements and associated road works at the intersection of Clyde Road and Kangan Drive, Berwick: CityWide Service SolutionsContract price: $370,861.58Starting date: April 2009WESTERN AUSTRALIABHP BILLITON IRON OREDuplicate 220km existing railway line, between Port Hedland and Shaw Siding on Mt Newman Line includes construction of more than 1000 camp rooms with kitchens and recreation facilities; 1.2MMcm earthworks; construction of 10 new dual track bridges and installation of 840km of fibre optic cable at Rapid Growth Project 5 Stage 5 (RGP5), Pilbara: Macmahon Holdings (50%) – Leighton Contractors (50%) JVContract price: $500 millionStarting date: April 2009Completion date: 2H-2010WESTERN AUSTRALIAPLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTUREStage 3 landscaping upgrades at Hillarys Boat Harbour including public grassed, paved and beach areas, centre groyne and eastern access entry point into harbour, Perth: Environmental IndustriesContract price: $2,669,921Starting date: April 2009Completion date: September 2009WESTERN AUSTRALIAMAIN ROADSRoad reconstruction of Great Northern Highway, Ellendale section (2420.4-2435.4SLK) and Derby Highway Stage 5 (0.15-8.5SLK), Kimberley region: Central EarthmovingContract price: $10,314,141.50Starting date: March 2009WESTERN AUSTRALIATUNGSTEN GROUPPrisoner reception extensions, health centre additions and prison visits modifications at Hakea Prison, Perth: Robinson BuildtechContract price: $826,849.46Starting date: March 2009