The CSIRO and Murdoch University have launched the $8 million Bioplastics Innovation Hub, which will set about fast-tracking production of a new generation of biologically derived plastic capable of breaking down in compost, land and water.
The Perth-based hub, located at Murdoch University’s main campus, is designed to facilitate industry collaboration, and will play its part in helping to meet the Australian government’s goal of reducing total national waste by 10 per cent per person by 2030.
It will bring together experts across fields including microbiology, molecular genetics, synthetic biology, biochemical engineering, advanced manufacturing and the circular economy, tasked with translating bioplastics research advancements into real-world applications.
“Our primary focus is the development of 100 per cent compostable, bio-derived packaging for use as sprays, films, bottles, caps and wrappers, which are engineered to fully break down in compost, land and in aquatic environments,” CSIRO research program director Dr Andy Whiteley said.
Read more: Flinders Uni looks at compounding pollution issues with microplastics
The hub’s initial focus will be a co-investment with WA-based biotechnology company Ecopha Biotech, developing a new process for water bottle production that will use compostable bioplastics sourced from food industry waste products.
Ecopha Biotech will facilitate the commercialisation of new ideas and technologies developed at the hub.
Murdoch University deputy vice chancellor research and innovation, professor Peter Eastwood, said the initiative will drive forward national bioplastics research.
“We also aim to assist industry in establishing an advanced biomanufacturing sector, to commercialise compostable bioplastics that meet the manufacturing design needs and certification standards for 100 per cent biodegradation,” Eastwood said.
“The outcomes of this project will boost the capability of Australia for commercial production of compostable bioplastics. In particular, the hub meets the sector priority of increasing technical leadership of Australian manufacturing.”