The show pits four contestants against each other in a series of building and landscaping challenges over eight episodes. The challenges will be carried out at a purpose built house at Silkwood Estate at Mt Cotton, Queensland.Caterpillar said the winning contestant would be crowned Australia’s best tradie and the four bedroom house auctioned with proceeds going to charity.As major sponsor, Caterpillar’s compact machines will be used by the contestants. The manufacturer will also provide the major home viewers prize – a 226B2 skid steer loader or a 301.8C Mini Excavator.The series also will showcase other machines in the Caterpillar compact range, such as a 247B2 multi terrain loader, a 246C skid steer loader and a 303C CR miniexcavator.Caterpillar said the new series would begin on January 18, screening on Channel 9 nationally.