Circular Economy, Container Deposit Schemes, Northern Territory, Northern Territory, Opinion, Recycling Facilities

Alice Springs increases refund on wine and spirit bottles

Alice Springs residents can now get more bang for their buck when they recycle glass wine and spirit bottles at the Regional Waste Management Facility.

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil and the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­ment have part­nered to increase the refund on wine and spir­it bot­tles to 15c a bot­tle, up from 10c effec­tive immediately.

The ini­tia­tive aims to help keep wine and spirit bottles out of the city’s land­fill and remove lit­ter across the town by incen­tivis­ing indi­vid­u­als to bring them to the Region­al Waste Man­age­ment Facility.

We are thrilled to offer this increased refund to our res­i­dents. It’s a small change that can make a big dif­fer­ence in encour­ag­ing recy­cling and reduc­ing waste in Alice Springs,” May­or Matt Pater­son said.

By increas­ing the refund for bot­tle returns, we aim not only to boost recy­cling rates but also to sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce lit­ter in our pub­lic spaces. Keep­ing our com­mu­ni­ty clean and lit­ter-free is a pri­or­i­ty, and this ini­tia­tive is a step for­ward in achiev­ing that goal.”

The increase in the refund is made pos­si­ble through grant fund­ing from the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Government.

This is a great envi­ron­men­tal ini­tia­tive that will encour­age locals to recy­cle glass con­tain­ers and that’s why the Ter­ri­to­ry Labor Gov­ern­ment has come on board to assist the Alice Springs Town Coun­cil with asso­ci­at­ed costs,” NT Gov­ern­ment spokesper­son Chansey Paech said.

I com­mend the Alice Springs Town Coun­cil for intro­duc­ing this mea­sure because resource recov­ery, recy­cling, and repro­cess­ing are impor­tant steps towards bet­ter man­age­ment of our waste prod­ucts and, ulti­mate­ly, a clean­er, green­er planet.”

Res­i­dents can take advan­tage of the increased refund by return­ing their wine and spir­it bot­tles to the Region­al Waste Man­age­ment Facil­i­ty from 9:30am‑2:30pm every Sat­ur­day. A max­i­mum of 500 wine and/​or spir­it bot­tles can be claimed per per­son per transaction.

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