
DCCEEW reviews recycling and waste act

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is conducting a statutory review of the Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (2020) (the Act).

The review will examine:

a. the operation of the Act, and

b. the extent to which the objects of the Act have been achieved.

The review will make recommendations to improve the efficiency and impact of the Act in addressing current and future circular economy needs, resource recovery and waste challenges. You can find the Terms of Reference for the Review on its website.

Read more: DCCEEW seizes four containers of baled tyres headed for export

In addition, as part of the review:

  • It  is considering all relevant submissions provided to the recent Senate Inquiry into Waste Reduction and Recycling Policies and to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Opportunities in the Circular Economy as they become available.
  • We are reviewing representations made to the department related to the Act over the past year, as well as consultation submissions for Waste Exports Cost Recovery in November 2022 as well as the Mixed Wastepaper and Cardboard Export Rules consultation in November 2023.
To have your say:

  • read the terms of reference for the review; an
  • take the survey to share your thoughts and experiences.

Submit your feedback by 5.00pm (AEDT) on Thursday, 27 February 2025.

Your feedback will help shape the outcomes of the Review of the Act.

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